Going deeper into manen#

manen is a module to ease the interaction with Selenium. Its features are splitted into four (almost) independant modules:

  • resource : set of helpers to get the drivers needed by Selenium to work

  • finder: define a function find() in order to avoid calling the methods find_element_by_* or find_elements_by_* of a Selenium WebElement

  • browser: a wrapper around WebDriver to more easily create instance of web drivers. Only compatible with Chrome and Brave (for now).

  • page_object_model: an implementation of the design pattern Page Object Models in order to easily interact with the DOM of a webpage.

Each module is built to be quite independant from each other. For example, you can use the module finder without browser or page_object_model without browser.

API Documentation#

Explore directly the code to discover all features proposed by manen.