
Flexible and highly customizable function to find one or several elements inside one or several Selenium elements.

manen.finder.find(selector: str | List[str] = None, *, wait: int = 0, default: Any = NotImplemented, inside: SeleniumElement | List[SeleniumElement] = None, many: bool = False) Any[source]#

Retrieve DOM elements from Selenium WebElements matching selector. The function is highly customizable in order to match the different scenarios you may have when retriving elements from HTML source code. For example, you can:

  • try with one or multiple selectors, with several selection methods (XPath, CSS, tag…)

  • return one or several elements

  • wait to an element appears

  • return a default value or raises an error

  • search in the whole page or in one or several specific areas

The supported selection methods are:

Selection Method

Selection Engine

xpath, xp

XPath (can be inferred if no selection method is specified)



class_name, class, cls

Class Name (but Selenium is the CSS method behind)


ID (but Selenium is the CSS method behind)

link_text, link

Link Text


Name attribute

tag_name, tag

Tag Name

partial_link_text, plink

Partial Link Text

The selector should use the pattern {selection_method}:{selector} to be correctly understood. Because it uses behind the scene parse_selector(), manen will infer the selection method if none is specified (if the selector starts with / or ./ then XPath is inferred otherwise it will be seen as a CSS selector).

Another feature of this function is that it offers a way to use functional programming to re-use the function with some parameters. If selector is not specified, it will return a partial function which can be used later. See example below for better understanding.


>>> divs = find(['div.tryClass1', 'div.tryClass2'], many=True, wait=3, inside=driver)
[<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "a1")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "a3")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "a3")>]
>>> links = find('a', many=False, default=None, inside=divs)
[<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b1")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b2")>]
>>> lookup = find(inside=driver, default=None, many=True)
>>> lookup(['p.tryMe', 'p.orTryMe'])
[<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b1")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b2")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b3")>,
 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session: "1", element: "b4")>]
  • selector (str or List[str], optional) – Selectors to be used to find the element(s). If it is a list, it will try each selector until at least one element is found. If it is None, it returns a partial function which can be used later to find the elements. Defaults to None.

  • wait (int, optional) – If wait > 0 and no element is currently found, the function will retry every 500ms, for wait seconds maximum. Defaults to 0.

  • default (Any, optional) – default value to return if no element is found. Specifying this value will prevent the function to raise manen.exceptions.ElementNotFound if no element matching the selectors are found. Defaults to NotImplemented.

  • inside (SeleniumElement, optional) – where to find the element(s). Specifying this argument will restrict the search area. If None, it will search the whole page. If it’s a list, the function will map over each element of that list. Defaults to None.

  • many (bool, optional) – Whether to return a single element or all the elements matching the selectors. Defaults to False.

  • ValueError – raised if the function is called with selector but without inside.

  • ElementNotFound – raised if no default value is specified and no element matching the selector(s) has been found


as explained in the Arguments description, the return value(s) will depend of the type of the arguments. Here is a recap of what will be returned based on the arguments types (ans_elt is a Selenium element).












[ans_elt1, ans_elt2]


[el1, el2, el3]


[ans_elt11, None, ans_elt_31]


[el1, el2, el3]


[[ans_elt11, ans_elt12], [], [ans_elt_31]]

Return type:


manen.finder.parse_selector(selector: str) Tuple[str, str][source]#

Parse a selector string in the format {selection_method}:{selector}. If no selection method is specified, it will be inferred from the selector itself, by using the following rule: if selector starts with / or ./ then it is a XPath selector, otherwise, it is a CSS selector.


manen will only try to guess if this is a XPath or CSS selectors, no more.


>>> parse_selector('css:h1.title')
('css selector', 'h1.title')
>>> parse_selector('a')
('css selector', 'a')
>>> parse_selector('tag:span')
('tag name', 'span')
>>> parse_selector('/div/p/span[@class="r"]')
('xpath', '/div/p/span[@class="r"]')

selector (str) – selector in the format {selection_method}:{selector}


Selenium selector in the format (selection_method, selector)

Return type:

Tuple[str, str]